
Friday, April 29, 2011

Birthdays, gifts, orgasms, and space.

What to say... what to say.

My birthday came and went during the whole fiasco with bf. He gave me a new bicycle, I really needed it. My old one was falling apart, literally. Plus it was all rusty. So a bright and shiny new bike from him and my favourite gift so far was a set of 216 tiny magnetic ball bearings that you can make stuff with, mostly geometrical stuff. It's very cool and very fun, and addictive. The ads are all over Youtube for these toys.

I even got some really nice body lotion, shea butter which is soooo lush, I just loovvve it.

But I didn't celebrate really, I just hung out at home with bf. We went to dinner, had japanese food. Then I met up with Rob on line late night. Except he wasn't in the best of moods, or perhaps he was busy with someone or something else, and in the end he took off at 3 am and left me kinda aching for at least a little more conversation than what was had.
That's when the Italian guy from Rome came on. I've mentioned him before I'm pretty sure, he's the one I said I was thinking of have a threesome with. Well without video or sound he told me a lovely little description that was very naughty and very nice. And it did't take me long to get off on that.

But Rob did make up for his lack the night after with 3 orgasms, this time no voice just typing. I really needed to let go I guess. I love it when he types all the things he'd do to me, it's a stream of consciousness of things, no interruptions, just images that flash through my mind.
Images of being bound, ass in the air, held, forced, legs spread, him making me do things to myself, him slipping my fingers inside me, licking, slipping his own along side them, dripping, spanking, slapping, gripping, spreading, preparing, fucking, no limits.... so nice.

I haven't heard from either co-worker or Andy except for birthday wishes.

And I've been thinking about the studio a lot. How I'd be able to have stuff sent there, if I decided to do the sex toy review. I just need to find the space.... space space space.


  1. Happy late Birthday!

  2. Happy belated birthday Cande. I see you been keeping busy.


  3. Let me add my birthday wishes. :-)

    I hope the coming year is filled with pleasant surprises.

  4. @ Joe, Mike, Max: Awwww thanks guys!! :) :)

  5. Have a belated birthday wish from me too, sounds like you have a lot to think about and to enjoy in the future, also and take this how you want, many happy returns!

  6. Happy birthday Cande! And things seem to be going well with Rob... looking good! Though I certainly know what it feels like to be left hanging after a distracted conversation... but he seems to have settled that debt ;-)

  7. John: Thanks! I'm looking forward to it all... I hope it works :)

    Johanna: Thank you :-) He definitely did!

    James: Thanks!
