
Monday, April 25, 2011

Dear BF.

Dear Bf,

I've been contemplating it for a while. I've been wondering if I should move out. It has nothing to do with your recent decision of refusing to do anything for me anymore. It is simply based on my own need for some freedom. I am not cutting the relationship off, I just want to live on my own for a while to see what it's like. I don't feel independent enough right now, and I feel like I've been missing out on that aspect of life for a really long time. I probably should have taken the leap years ago, but unfortunately I was young and probably wasn't focusing on what was best for me.
Now that I'm older and more self aware, I have realized the importance of learning first how to live with myself and be happy on my own before I can live with someone else.

p.s. This letter has not been sent... but it's exactly what's on my mind. I'm still thinking.

~ Cande ~


  1. good luck. I am sure you will make the right decision.

  2. Thoughts are with you, I know how this sort of thing goes! hugs too

  3. Do it! I think staying with him is going to drive you crazy otherwise. You obviously need some space.

  4. You'll have to keep us updated as soon as you've made your decision. There is something to be said for keeping the relationship alive for now, but getting some space and perspective.

  5. you have my support, no matter what your decision is.

  6. Good luck with your tough decision. Whatever you decide, take care of yourself.


  7. One way or another, it seems to me that you'll have to make changes. I'm sure you'll figure out which ones, if in no other way then by trial and error... thinking of you.

  8. sending you clarity

  9. wishing you wise decisions Cande

  10. It sounds like you are in turmoil right now. I have found that one thing has always helped me out in times like this. Sit down and really think about if this is what you want for the REST of your life... if not then there is no point in prolonging things and if yes then how do you make it work. Just my 2cents, I feel for you though.
