
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I've thought about it most of the night.

I think I'm going to tell him it's over this afternoon. 

There are so many more reasons to let go than there are to hold on.


  1. I don't know what to say... I'm sorry you have to go through this. Whatever you decide on, you're brave to deal with it. Take care.

  2. I'm sorry sweatheart. If you need a sounding board or someone to bitch to, I'm here. You know how to find me.

  3. of course, spelling sweetheart this early in the morning would help, too.

  4. Cande, As you make this choice always remember how many friends you have on-line that love you and are ready to help in any way we can. I just wish I could be there in person.

  5. I echo everyone's sentiments, here and send a hug for you, figure you might need one

  6. No one can be in your place at this time. But much in your life is in an unsettled state. It happens that good decisions are made based on the feeling of the time, but more often it is better to let things ride until the confusion clears, and you can be more certain of the best decision.


  7. I know I'm a year late commenting on this post, but so far, I feel so bad for Boyfriend. But whatever decision you decide to make is for the best. :)
