
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Do you know me?

I am a little worried.
I'm sure it's nothing.
But there's someone in Italy here who has been reading my blog avidly for the past two days, perhaps more. It is someone with a Mac. And I often wonder if it is myself  but the visit times do not coincide with my own. I fear it may be someone I know. Italy is a small country.
The IP address does not give a server company name. Which is also strange since mine does.

Anyhow here's my proposal:
Do you think you know me?
Why not email me... let's talk.
You'll find my email in my profile page  on the right --------------------------------->
where it says "View complete profile"

Proposal two is:
You don't know me and you're reading my blog from Italy with a Mac.
Email me just the same to let me know so I don't worry myself silly. Yes, I speak Italian you can write me in your native tongue.


  1. I know what you mean, someone has been on my blog from my home town also.

  2. jeesh. my question is, how the hell do you guys know this? i can see in my stats that people are from ukraine, uk, canada, usa but that's it. nothing down to home town or am i missing something.

    my second question is, if it is someone you know, does it matter or is it just kinda got your curiousity going. obviously it's not me. i WISH i was in italy though!

    also, i know that you can set your stats so that they do not include the times you log on. maybe try doing that, so that you know for sure it's not you and avoid unnecessary worry.

    hope you find out.

  3. Is not the Italian, but a lurker, thought I should address That Girl's query, there are other ways to record your stats like that give you far more accurate details than Google does.

  4. Joe: Yeah This isn't that bad. I guess that's why I'm kinda making fun of the situation and daring them to email me. I don't know where they are really. I just know it's Italy somewhere.

    That Girl: Yeah, like John says, it's my "sitemeter" at the bottom of my page that tells me who it is and where they are, the time and how long they spent, along with the pages they viewed. I get a lot of info. But as I said to Joe, I don't know the exact town because Italy being so small there aren't a lot of servers, so I think it's all Rome...

    John: Welcome John. I saw you in my followers list. Thanks for letting me know you're not the Italian ;-)

  5. Thanks for the warm welcome Cande, from what I have seen there is probably going to be a queue to be the Italian though!

  6. Lol... doubt it... no emails owning up yet!

  7. That girl: statcounter lets you see the town they are logging in from. Or pretty close depending on who they have internet service from. I see some visitors are logging on from work because it shows where the IP is from.

  8. hmmm, thanks for the info everyone via cande's post. sorry about that cande! and i hope you find out who this person is.

  9. i'm going to give that stat counter a try. i'm not overly techical so wish me luck!!

  10. It's not that difficult it guides you through though will say you best select the xhtml option when you get to it! Good Luck

  11. Our server location varies, it's never anywhere near my hometown. One time I'll be bombarded with ads for "Hot girls in Cebu", few days later it will be "Hook up with a hot date in Iloilo". There are probably a fair number of active servers in Italy, it isn't any smaller than Philippines I don't think.
