
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Orgasms, blowjobs, erotic illustrations and squid masturbation (!?!)

This week I'm basically home. I have very few lessons to deal with and I'm not really going in to work this week. So with a little extra time, I thought I'd share a few things I've found around in the past few months but haven't had time to post about.

The first is a really warm thank you to Ebony Panther over at Amorous Ebony Chronicles . Make sure to go visit his site. He has revamped it and has a great variation of videos every week, amazing pics of photography of both men and women, as well as a weekly selection of a porn star from yesteryear and a mainstream film with erotic content. The interesting thing here is that he has also named one of his posts after me based on my mentioning having liked to watch a gay porn of one guy giving another a blowjob, so there will be a selection of gay blowjob videos selected for our pleasure. They are all marked "for Cande" and can be skipped if it is not your cup of tea.

Another is someone I've mentioned before, but I think she needs more followers so head over to see Johanna hit her numbered orgasms at Orgasms of Johanna. She has a story similar to mine and I find her blog to be extremely helpful for online relationship feelings and thoughts, as well as a description of each and every orgasm. She confided that she may even start HNTing... I'm looking forward to that :-D

Another amazing blog that I've come across thanks to Johanna's followers list was Dessins de Denis . He is an artist, an erotic illustrator, and being from the art world myself I adore his stuff. He is French so the blog is in French but it is definitely worth visiting since his posts are all images. Has over 800 followers and obviously deserves it!

I heard about this in a sort of porn documentary. It was about this woman who's a pornography director, and she does porn for women. Her name is Erika Lust and she has also written a book about it. She has a blog that deals with all sorts from the looks (I haven't had time to dedicate to that yet). So go visit her website and blog. Very interesting indeed.

The last thing I'm going to give you guys is THIS site which almost had me pee my pants it was so funny. As far as I can tell it's a website that collects different masturbation techniques for men and women... but mostly men. It also has ingeniously hilarious suggestions for different things men can use and do to get off... there's even a whole food section... top of the list "squid"!!! Don't miss the "jello in a ziplock bag", "warm cream filled cupcakes", frozen liver (!?!?!) and SO MUCH MORE!!!  I know... it's a must read.  :-D


  1. Merci pour le post!!!

  2. De rien Denis!! ç'est ma plaisir! :-D

  3. OK OK... I look a look at the masturbation site while I was at work and was laughing soooo hard that I had to shut my office door.

    They are going to an awful lot of work, but I'll give them points for creativity. I'll never look at a garbage sac the same way again.

  4. Thankyou so much for the mention, and for that little push that I so much needed to finally make the hnt-ing happen;-)! It will be very exciting indeed.

    And you've made me very curious about the masturbation site, I'll have to take a look. Maybe I could learn a thing or two...?

  5. Advizor: I know!!! hahaha the garbage bag one was hilarious... actually I think there are a few about garbage bags. The little comments above the "solutions" are priceless too.

    Johanna: You're absolutely welcome. And you know that you don't need to thank me! ;-)
    And you.... miiight learn something from that site... depends on what you've got in your fridge ;-) lol

  6. You are hot cande! ;)
