Sunday, October 23, 2016


Today I went to a craft fair, got a bunch of scrap fabric, including some stretch lace and made this little crop lace bralette. I'm pretty proud considering it took all of 10 minutes to make, and it cost me about 50 cents. 

I've been super busy and stressed this week, almost to the point of tears, today was a good distraction, but I need some good hard, rough fucking, I want bruises. 


Fellow Canuck said...

Wow stunning...and the bralette too.

Osbasso said...


Peter Princip said...

Amazingly sexy...

I was hoping for a click through. ;)

I know what you mean by hard fucking and bruises, my inner thighs are sore from a marathon fuck session the other day...every time I move I remember why I am fucking good...

Advizor54 said...

Beautiful, crafty, and cheap. Perfect for a summer outfit.

Fellow Canuck said...

What was your Halloween costume this year?