Wednesday, March 9, 2011

rear-ending... and not the good kind either

I almost rear-ended someone yesterday while trying to text Rob... I guess that's the last time I'll let myself text in the car.
I stopped literally like 10cm (4in) away... I almost had a heart attack and kept thinking "pleasepleasepleasepleasestop" the ABS kicked in and I slid to my final position... damn that ABS.

It was totally my fault, I can't even blame it on the terrible Italian drivers. :-(


dark snow said...

at least it stops =)

Advizor54 said...

How can you text while riding a bike? Your talents never cease to amaze me...

Glad you, and your bumper, are OK.

Cande said...

Dark snow.. yes... that is true.

Advizor: I was in my car this time... although I have texted with much more success on my bike.

Johanna said...

I've both texted and used the chat client on my phone while driving (and riding my bike)... and I've been driving while so insanely aroused that I've been a complete hazard. No accidents so far, and I'll do my best to stop before something happens *blushing*. I wonder how many traffic incidents are secretly sex related...?