Friday, August 7, 2009


I have a few fleeting ideas running through my head for posts, but since they're fleeting I seem to forget them as soon as I think them. I'm sure they'll come back to me, and I'm sure I'll get to them.

I'm on my way to Croatia this weekend for about a week and a half. I'm reluctant to go because I've been on holiday quite a bit this spring/summer and I will probably be taking a painfully expensive trip this winter to meet up with my father and possibly my sister in India.

We will be camping in Croatia so it won't be expensive so to speak, but I am also reluctant to leave because I'm terribly addicted to internet at the moment for a few reasons. There's the blog that I hate to drop for that long, and then there's Rob which I will miss terribly. I've also got the possibility of more translation coming my way... so alas, it will be difficult to cope :(

I've also come across a new online friendship which started with just emails and has progressed to something more. I'm curious. It seems like it will last. I find it strange what lasts and what doesn't on the internet.

I'll try to get some scheduled posts written for while I'm away. A is home a lot and it's hard to find the time to do that. I do write when he's here, but I always feel like I've got to keep looking over my shoulder.


Cala Gray said...

I am so jealous, it has been almost two years since I have been in Croatia! Loved it. Beautiful place. Take pictures for me?!

Try to enjoy this weekend, you deserve it!

Leonhart said...

As nice as the internet is, and posting blog posts, it surely can't compare to a trip away to a beautiful country!?

Cande said...

True Leonhart...I will probably be too distracted to notice anyhow.